The Real Bob Roberts
JAMMA Pinout & Colors

Black 18ga Ground1A GroundBlack 18ga
Black 18ga Ground2B GroundBlack 18ga
Red 18ga +5 volts 3C +5 volts Red 18ga
Red 18ga +5 volts 4D +5 volts Red 18ga
Yellow 18ga- 5 volts 5E -5 volts Yellow 18ga
Orange 18ga +12 volts 6F +12 voltsOrange 18ga
NA Key 7H Key NA
Red/Green Coin Counter 1 8 JCoin Counter 2 Blue/Green
Green/Red Coin Lockout 9K Coin Lockout Blue/Red
Yellow/Red Speaker + 10 LSpeaker - Yellow/Green
White/Red Not Used 11M Not Used White/Green
Red/Black Red Video 12N Green Video Green/Black
Blue/Black Blue Video 13P Composite Sync White
White/Black Video Ground 14R Service Switch Orange/Black
Blue Test 15S TiltGreen
Red/Blue P1 Coin 16T P2 Coin Green/Blue
Red/White P1 Start 17U P2 Start Red/Yellow
Green/White P1 UP 18V P2 Up Green/Yellow
Blue/White P1 Down 19W P2 Down Blue/Yellow
Black/White P1 Left 20X P2 Left Black/Yellow
Violet/White P1 Right 21Y P2 Right Violet/Yellow
Brown/White P1 Button 1 22Z P2 Button 1 Brown/Yellow
Yellow/White P1 Button 2 23a P2 Button 2 White/Yellow
Orange/White P1 Button 3 24b P2 Button 3 Orange/Yellow
Gray/White P1 Button 4 25c P2 Button 4 Gray/Yellow
Yellow/Orange P1 Button 5 26d P2 Button 5 Yellow/Black
Black Ground 27e Ground Black
Black Ground 28f Ground Black
The Real Bob Roberts™